
Power Distributors and Dispatchers

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Occupation Overview


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Education & Training

At A Glance: Power Distributors and Dispatchers

Power distributors and dispatchers coordinate, regulate, and distribute electricity or steam. They monitor environmental and weather conditions to adjust equipment when necessary. They respond in emergency situations to repair and restore electricity. To become a power distributor or dispatcher requires at least a high school diploma and one to two years of on-the-job training. Some employers may require additional certification or apprenticeship. Power distributors and dispatchers earn approximately $41.54 an hour.

Entry Level Requirements


High School Diploma

To become a power distributor or dispatcher requires at least a high school diploma. Some employers require additional certifications or college degrees.
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Energy operators are a

Top 5
Occupation in the energy industry in the TEAM region.

How much can I make?

Hourly Rate: $26 - $57/HR.

Job Details: Power Distributors and Dispatchers

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Commonly Performed Tasks

There are many tasks that power distributors and dispatchers perform regularly. They play a major role in monitoring and responding to situations that affect power supply, including emergency situations. They diagnose and repair control panels, circuit boards, switch boards and other equipment.
  • Respond to emergencies like transmission line failures, and route current around affected areas
  • Prepare switching orders that will isolate work areas without causing power outages
  • Control, monitor, or operate equipment that regulates or distributes electricity or steam using data
  • Coordinate with others to provide information like switching orders or distribution process changes
  • Distribute power between entities like generating stations, keeping track of circuits or connections

Required Job Skills

Power distributors and dispatchers require specific skills, abilities, and knowledge to do their jobs effectively. To be a dispatcher or distributor requires the ability to adapt in emergency situations, working well with others as part of a team, and adherence to safety standards.
  • Effective oral and written communication
  • Concentrate on a task without being distracted
  • Comprehend complex informational text and visuals
  • Commitment to safety, quality, and precision
  • Identify, analyze, and solve complex problems

Education & Training Information

Programs and Opportunities

Community College of Allegheny County - West Hills Center
Program: Electrical Distribution Technology
Certification: Certificate
Length: 2 Years
Community College of Allegheny County - West Hills Center
Program: Electrical Distribution Technology
Certification: Associate's Degree
Length: 2 Years
Pierpont Community & Technical College
Program: Applied Process Technology - Energy Systems Operation
Certification: Associate's Degree
Length: 2 Years
Stark State College
Program: Pipeline Technician
Certification: Certificate
Length: 1 Year

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