Advanced Manufacturing

Mechanical Drafters

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Occupation Overview


Job Preview


Education & Training

At A Glance: Mechanical Drafters

Mechanical drafters prepare diagrams of machinery and mechanical devices. To become a mechanical drafter requires 1 to 2 years of training with experienced workers, and sometimes individuals are required to complete an apprenticeship program. Mechanical drafters earn approximately $26.89 an hour, and the need for them grows at an average rate of 5% to 9% per year. Positions related to mechanical drafters include civil drafters, electronic drafters, electrical drafters, mapping technicians, and commercial and industrial designers.

Entry Level Requirements


Associate's Degree

To become a mechanical drafter, a student must complete an associate's degree. Some positions may require a bachelor's degree as well.
occupation details image

Production industry is

5th highest
ranked job in the TEAM region with 117,893 jobs in 2018.

How much can I make?

Hourly Rate: $17 - $43/HR.

Job Details: Mechanical Drafters

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Commonly Performed Tasks

Mechanical drafters develop detailed design drawings and specifications using CAD, produce 3-D models using CAD, and lay out and draw views to illustrate functional relationships of components, assembles, systems, and machines. They also modify and revise designs to correct or reduce operating problems. In addition, mechanical drafters review and analyze a variety of material that affects component designs and the procedures and instructions they must follow.
  • Use CAD equipment to develop drawings and specifications for mechanical equipment, dies, and tools
  • Produce three-dimensional models using computer-aided design (CAD) software
  • Draw schematic or orthographic views to depict functional relationships of systems, machines, etc.
  • Modify and revise designs to correct operating deficiencies or to reduce production problems
  • Analyze drawings and related data to assess factors affecting designs and the resulting procedures

Required Job Skills

Mechanical drafters require specific skills to do their jobs effectively. They must be able to engage in active on-the-job learning, active listening, and apply mathematical concepts to their jobs. All drafters must be able to read and understand relevant information and solve complex problems.
  • Learn and apply new information
  • Effective oral and written communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Use mathematical calculations to solve problems
  • Comprehend complex informational text and visuals
  • Complex Problem Solving

Education & Training Information

Programs and Opportunities

Community College of Allegheny County - South Campus
Program: Computer-Aided Drafting & Design
Certification: Associate's Degree
Length: 2 Years
Westmoreland County Community College
Program: Drafting and Design Technology, Mechanical
Certification: Associate's Degree
Length: 2 Years

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